Latest version of swift and xcode
Latest version of swift and xcode

SE-0233 Make Numeric Refine a new AdditiveArithmetic Protocol.SE-0232 Remove Some Customization Points from the Standard Library’s Collection Hierarchy.SE-0228 Fix ExpressibleByStringInterpolation.SE-0225 Adding isMultiple to BinaryInteger.SE-0218 Introduce compactMapValues to Dictionary.

latest version of swift and xcode

  • SE-0215 Conform Never to Equatable and Hashable.
  • SE-0214 Renaming the DictionaryLiteral type to KeyValuePairs.
  • SE-0211 Add Unicode Properties to Unicode.Scalar.
  • SE-0200 Enhancing String Literals Delimiters to Support Raw Text.
  • Swift 5 implements the following Standard Library proposals from the Swift Evolution process:

    latest version of swift and xcode

  • Performance improvements to Dictionary and Set.
  • Enhancements to String interpolation, adding more flexibility to construct text from data.
  • Result and SIMD vector types added to the Standard Library.
  • Improved support for raw text in string literals (See the String Literals blog post for more background on this refinement).
  • latest version of swift and xcode

    String reimplemented with UTF-8 encoding which can often result in faster code (See the UTF-8 String blog post for more background on this change).The standard library in Swift 5 includes the following new features: Evolving Swift On Apple Platforms After ABI Stability.Your apps will be easier to build and smaller because they won’t have to include those libraries. As a result, the Swift libraries are now incorporated into every macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS release going forward. The ABI is now declared stable for Swift 5 on Apple platforms.

    latest version of swift and xcode

    Language Updates Stable ABI and Binary Compatibility You can try out some of the new features in this playground put together by Paul Hudson. Swift 5 also introduces new capabilities that are building blocks for future versions, including a reimplementation of String, enforcement of exclusive access to memory during runtime, new data types, and support for dynamically callable types. Thanks to ABI stability, the Swift runtime is now included in current and future versions of Apple’s platform operating systems: macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS. Swift 5 is a major milestone in the evolution of the language. Ted Kremenek is a member of the Swift Core Team and manages the Languages and Runtimes group at Apple.

    Latest version of swift and xcode